Dr. Efstathios Papavassiliou’s career reads like a compelling narrative of dedication, innovation, and leadership in neurosurgery. Born in Athens, Greece, he attended The Prestigious Varvakion Model High School, where he graduated top of his class in 1984. He entered the University of Athens Medical School achieving the highest grades among his peers that year at a national level, where he launched his journey in medicine with an MD earning summa cum laude in 1990. This early promise was further honed through extensive training in neurosurgery, initially with Scholarships to NIH and the surgical Neurology Branch there. He was awarded the Onassis Foundation and Voudouri SCholarships from Greece and was at NIH on a Fulbright Scholarship for 3 years till the start of his residency in 1996.
His residency took him to Philadelphia and Wisconsin where he obtained his Neurosurgery training, followed by Fellowship at UCSF. After his fellowship he came to Boston in 2003 at BIDMC and Harvard Medical School where he has been working since, as a diplomat of the American Board of Neurosurgery.
Over the years, Dr. Papavassiliou has evolved from a promising young clinician into a seasoned academic and clinical leader. His association with Harvard Medical School began as an Instructor and later advanced to his current role as an Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery, reflecting his commitment to educating the next generation of physicians. At BIDMC, where he has been a staff neurosurgeon since 2003, he has played an integral role in shaping the future of neurosurgical care, serving in leadership capacities as Director of the BIDMC Spine Center and directing key fellowship programs in the area of spine in young Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic surgeons.
As a co-director initially and now Director of BIDMC Spine center has brought together nationally recognized Neurosurgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurologists, Anesthesiologists and Physiatrists to create the top Multidisciplinary Spine Center in Boston with the highest patient satisfaction ratings. He has been recognized nationally in Becker’s Spine Review and has created a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Center of Excellence in Spine Care in Boston.
Beyond his clinical responsibilities, his narrative is marked by a profound dedication to research and innovation. He was key in bringing Robotics in spine to his institution being the first academic Hospital in the area to do that. His extensive portfolio of peer-reviewed publications—spanning topics from deep brain stimulation to spinal surgery—highlights a career committed to advancing neurosurgical techniques and improving patient outcomes. This research has not only enriched the scientific community but has also led him to spearhead several high-profile clinical trials and funded projects.
Equally noteworthy is Dr. Papavassiliou’s passion for teaching and mentorship. He has dedicated significant efforts to the formal training of medical students, residents, and fellows, earning recognition for his outstanding mentorship. For over 10 years, he has been the program director for neurosurgery Spine for the Orthopedic Residency Program in Harvard Medical School. His active participation in various professional committees and societies further underscores his commitment to enhancing both clinical practice and academic excellence.
Overall, the narrative of Dr. Papavassiliou’s career is one of relentless pursuit of excellence—a journey that blends rigorous clinical practice, groundbreaking research, and a steadfast commitment to education, all of which continue to shape the landscape of neurosurgery.
Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Format for the Curriculum Vitae
1990 MD, Summa cum Laude Medicine University of Athens
2002-2003 Functional fellowship Neurosurgery UCSF
2001-2002 Chief Resident Neurosurgery Medical College WI
1999-2001 Resident Neurosurgery Medical College WI
1997-1999 Resident Neurosurgery Hahneman/MCP PA
1996-1997 Intern Surgery Hahneman/MCP PA
1992-1996 Fellow Neurosurgery NIH/NINDS
1990-1992 Medical Officer Greek Army Athens and Xanthi, Greece
2003-2013 Instructor, HMS
2013-current Assistant Professor Neurosurgery HMS
Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions
7/2003- Staff Neurosurgeon Surgery/Neurosuregry BIDMC
Co Director: BIDMC Spine Center
Neurosurgical Liaison for Community Neurosurgery(Milton, Plymouth, Mt Auburn)
Chief Neurosurgery: Milton Hospital
Major Administrative Leadership Positions
2010- Clerkship Director Orthopedic Neurosurgery rotation HMS/BIDMC
2016- Fellowship director Neurosurgery Spine Fellowship at BIDMC
2017- Quality Assurance director, Neurosurgery at BIDMC
2004-2014 trauma care committee BIDMC
2007- Critical Care committee BIDMC
2003-2105 neurosurgical task force Movement Disorders society
1999- AANS Member
2013- NASS
Honors and Prizes
1992 Lilian Voudouri most promising research neuroscience project
1993 Onassis foundation neuroscience research
1993-1996 Visiting Fellowship NIH
Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects
2002-2003Thalamic Stimulation: Relation of Lead location to outcome VA UCSF
Principal Investigator
Unfunded projects
2009-2011: relationship of MRI findings and acuity type II dens fracture
I am trying to identify MRI findings that will clearly predict acuity of these fractures based only on MRI characteristics
2011-2012Closed Head injuries and association with edema on pericranium and Headaches
I am going to obtain biopsies of pericranium of patients with closed Head Injuries and associated chronic headaches and analyze for inflammatory markers
2012-2016 Establish Inflammatory markers in patients pericranium without headaches
Principal Investigator
2016-2019 Vertex study on the efficacy and safety of experimental treatment in acute traumatic Cervical Spine Injury. SPRING trial
Report of Local Teaching and Training
Teaching of Students in Courses
2001: Introduction to Neurosurgery: lecturer, 3rd year medical students, MCW
2000: Neuropathology Laboratory: tutor, 2nd year medical students, MCW
Weekly for 2 hrs
2006-2011: Head Injuries Lecture HMS
2nd year medical students 1hr every 3 months
2009-current : OSCE examiner HMS
4th year medical students 5hrs each time
Formal Teaching of Residents, Clinical Fellows and Research Fellows (post-docs)
2012- Orthopedic Spine Fellowship
2016- Neurosurgery residency at BIDMC
2017- Neurosurgery spine Fellowship Director
Clinical Supervisory and Training Responsibilities
2003- Supervise and train 3rd year students for their Neurosurgery elective during their core surgery clerkship
2009- Supervise and train 2nd year medical students during the outpatient elective, 4hours weekly
2009- Supervise and train all Harvard Orthopedic Interns for their Neurosurgery Rotation. Director of Neurosurgery rotation
Laboratory and Other Research Supervisory and Training Responsibilities
:6/2000-6/2001 Matthew Alexander, Chief Resident in Neurosurgery MCW
Daily for 1 year at least 4hrs/day
6/2001-6/2002 Kim Rickert, 3rd year resident in Neurosurgery MCW
Daily for 1 year at least 4hrs/day
2012 –now. Orthopedic interns, neurosurgery residents, orthopedic and neurosurgery fellows
Formal Teaching of Peers (e.g., CME and other continuing education courses)
“ Acute management of spinal cord/cauda equine injury”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA. 11/2017
“Sports Related Spine Injuries”, Luncheon seminar, CNS, Houton, TX 10/2018
“Treatment of non-traumatic cord and caudal disorders”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA 1-/2019.
“Management of acute SDH”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA, 10/2019
Report of Regional, National and International Invited Teaching and Presentations
“Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Disease- A Review”. 1st Conference of the Association of the University of Athens Medical Graduates, Athens 1988.
Management of the Unstable Cervical Spine. 1st Annual Trauma Workshop in Milwaukee, WI. Hands-on workshop and lecture. April 2000
Intracranial Pressure monitoring for head injuries. Critical care and trauma symposium, Nov 12-13, Boston, MA Harvard Medical School/MGH
Gene Therapy for Brain Tumors. Guest speaker to the 1st Medical Seminar of the Hellenic American Society for the Health Sciences in collaboration with Georgetown University, Limassol, Cyprus 1995.
“ Acute management of spinal cord/cauda equine injury”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA. 11/2017
“Sports Related Spine Injuries”, Luncheon seminar, CNS, Houton, TX 10/2018
“Treatment of non-traumatic cord and caudal disorders”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA 1-/2019.
“Management of acute SDH”: Harvard Neurological Emergencies, HMS: Boston, MA, 10/2019
Report of Clinical Activities and Innovations
Current Licensure and Certification
2010 Board Certification: AANS
2003 Medical License, MA
2002Medical License, CA
1999Medical License, WI
1996Medical License, PA (temporary, expired)
1996Permanent ECFMG Certificate
1990 Doctor and Surgeon, Athens Medical Board
Report of Technological and Other Scientific Innovations
Report of Education of Patients and Service to the Community
2009-2012: Meet the experts: Annual presentation of surgical issues in Parkinson’s disease, organized by the National Parkinson Foundation and BIDMC, which is a center of excellence
March 2009: Surgical aspects of treatment of Essential Tremor, Portland Maine, Organized by the IETF(international essential tremor foundation)
October 2010: DBS for Essential Tremor, BIDMC, Boston, MA, organized by the IETF
Educational Material for Patients and the Lay Community
Books, monographs, articles and presentations in other media
Educational material or curricula developed for non-professional students
Patient educational material
2018: Nomination for Excellence in Mentoring: HMS
2019: Nomination for Excellence in Mentoring: HMS
Peer reviewed publications in print or other media
1. Heiss JD, Papavassiliou E, Merrill MJ, Nieman L, Knightly JJ, Walbridge S, Oldfield EH. Dexamethasone suppression of Brain Tumor-Associated Permeability Requires the Glucocorticoid Receptor. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 98(6):1400-8, 1996 Sep 15
2. Gnarra JR, Zhou S, Merrill MJ, Wagner JR, Krumm A, Papavassiliou E, Oldfield EH, Klausner RD, Lineham WM. Post-transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA by the product of the VHL tumor suppressor gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(20):10589-94, 1996 Oct. 1.
3. Papavassiliou E, Gogate N, Proeschodt M, Heiss JD, Walbridge S, Edwards NA, Oldfield, Merrill MJ. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Vascular Permeability Factor) Expression in Injured Rat Brain. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 49(4):451-60, 1997 Aug 15
4. Papavassiliou E, Rau G, Heath S, Abosch A, Barbaro NM, Larson PS, Lamborn K,Starr PA, Thalamic deep brain stimulation for essential tremor: relation of lead location to outcome. Neurosurgery. 2004 May; 54(5):1120-29; discussion 1129-30.
5. Nitin B. Bangera, Donald L. Schomer, Nima Dehghani, Istvan Ulbert, Sydney Cash, Steve Papavassiliou, Solomon R. Eisenberg, Anders M. Dale, Eric Halgren. Experimental validation of the influence of white matter anisotropy on the intracranial EEG forward solution. J Comput Neurosci January 09, 2010
6. Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, DeSalles A, Chung S, Shetter A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W, Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K, Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N; Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory epilepsy SANTE Study Group.Epilepsia. 2010 May;51(5):899-908. Epub 2010 Mar 17
7. Apetauerova D, Ryan RK, Ro SI, Arle J, Shils J, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D.,End of Day Dyskinesia in advanced Parkinson’s disease can be eliminated by bilateral subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus deep brain stimulation Mov Disord. 2006 Aug;21(8):1277-9.
8. Vanderhorst VG, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih L. Early brain abscess: A rare complication of deep brain stimulation. Mov Disord. 2009 Jul 15; 24(9):1395-7. PMID: 19412938.
9. Shih LC, Vanderhorst V, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D. Sustained dyskinesias following elective cessation and reactivation of chronic subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for a surgical procedure. Neuromodulation. 2011 Nov-Dec; 14(6):512-4; discussion 514. PMID: 21854491.
10. Kulkarni O, Lafaver K, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Thalamic and subthalamic deep brain stimulation for parkinsonian tremor: are two circuits involved? Mov Disord. 2013 Apr; 28(4):554-5. PMID: 23389961.
11. Shih LC, LaFaver K, Lim C, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D. Loss of benefit in VIM thalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) for essential tremor (ET): how prevalent is it? Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2013 Jul; 19(7):676-9. PMID: 23582712.
12. Honigberg MC, Papavassiliou E, Cohen YZ. Primary leptomeningeal melanocytosis presenting as chronic meningitis. J Clin Neurosci. 2014 Jun; 21(6):1056-8. PMID: 24355206.
13. Sarkar SN, Papavassiliou E, Hackney DB, Alsop DC, Shih LC, Madhuranthakam AJ, Busse RF, La Ruche S, Bhadelia RA. Three-dimensional brain MRI for DBS patients within ultra-low radiofrequency power limits. Mov Disord. 2014 Apr; 29(4):546-9. PMID: 24442797.
14. Smith KM, O’Connor M, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Phonemic verbal fluency decline after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation does not depend on number of microelectrode recordings or lead tip placement. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Apr; 20(4):400-4. PMID: 24495709.
15. Sarkar SN, Sarkar PR, Papavassiliou E, Rojas RR. Utilizing fast spin echo MRI to reduce image artifacts and improve implant/tissue interface detection in refractory Parkinson’s patients with deep brain stimulators. Parkinsons Dis. 2014; 2014:508576. PMID: 24724036; PMCID: PMC3956280.
16. Sarkar SN, Papavassiliou E, Rojas R, Teich DL, Hackney DB, Bhadelia RA, Stormann J, Alterman RL. Low-power inversion recovery MRI preserves brain tissue contrast for patients with Parkinson disease with deep brain stimulators. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2014 Jul; 35(7):1325-9. PMID: 24676004.
17. Kamine TH, Papavassiliou E, Schneider BE. Effect of abdominal insufflation for laparoscopy on intracranial pressure. JAMA Surg. 2014 Apr; 149(4):380-2. PMID: 24522521
18. Nigim F, Thomas AJ, Papavassiliou E, Schneider BE, Critchlow JF, Chen CC, Siracuse JJ, Zinn PO, Kasper EM. Ventriculoperitoneal shunting: Laparoscopically assisted versus conventional open surgical approaches. Asian J Neurosurg. 2014 Apr; 9(2):72-81. PMID: 25126122; PMCID: PMC4129581.
19. Sarkar SN, Sarkar PR, Papavassiliou E. Subthalamic nuclear tissue contrast in inversion recovery MRI decreases with age in medically refractory Parkinson’s disease. J Neuroimaging. 2015 Mar-Apr; 25(2):303-306. PMID: 24641526.
20. Perry C, Blake P, Buettner C, Papavassiliou E, Schain A, Bhasin M, Burstein R Upregulation of inflammatory gene transcripts in periosteum of chronic migraineurs: Implications to extracranial origin of headache.Ann Neurol. 2016 Apr 18. doi: 10.1002/ana.24665
21. Stephen CD, Rojas R, Lioutas VA, Papavassiliou E, Simon DK. Complicated spontaneous intracranial hypotension treated with intrathecal saline infusion. Pract Neurol. 2016 Apr; 16(2):146-9. PMID: 26467251.
22. Parihar R, Alterman R, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Comparison of VIM and STN DBS for Parkinsonian Resting and Postural/Action Tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2015; 5:321. PMID: 26196027; PMCID: PMC4502347.
23. Perry CJ, Blake P, Buettner C, Papavassiliou E, Schain AJ, Bhasin MK, Burstein R. Upregulation of inflammatory gene transcripts in periosteum of chronic migraineurs: Implications for extracranial origin of headache. Ann Neurol. 2016 06; 79(6):1000-13. PMID: 27091721.
24. . Zhang D, Melikian R, Papavassiliou E. Chiari I Malformation Presenting as Shoulder Pain, Weakness, and Muscle Atrophy in a Collegiate Athlete. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2016 Jan-Feb; 15(1):10-2. PMID: 26745162.
25. Kamine TH, Elmadhun NY, Kasper EM, Papavassiliou E, Schneider BE. Abdominal insufflation for laparoscopy increases intracranial and intrathoracic pressure in human subjects. Surg Endosc. 2016 09; 30(9):4029-32. PMID: 26701703.
26. Zhang D, Papavassiliou E. Spinal Intradural Arachnoid Webs Causing Spinal Cord Compression with Inconclusive Preoperative Imaging: A Report of 3 Cases and a Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2017 Mar; 99:251-258. PMID: 27993741.
27. Chang YM, Kim G, Peri N, Papavassiliou E, Rojas R, Bhadelia RA. Diagnostic Utility of Increased STIR Signal in the Posterior Atlanto-Occipital and Atlantoaxial Membrane Complex on MRI in Acute C1-C2 Fracture. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 Sep; 38(9):1820-1825. PMID: 28684454.
28. Maragkos GA, Motiei-Langroudi R, Filippidis AS, Papavassiliou E. Intracranial Hypertension after Chiari decompression resolving after removal of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Device. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2018; 1:1-4. PMID: 30497211
29. Maragkos GA, Papavassiliou E, Stippler M, Filippidis AS. Civilian Gunshot Wounds to the Head. Prognostic Factors Affecting Mortality. Meta-Analysis of 1774 Patients. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2018; Nov 15, 35(22):2605-2614. PMID: 29877141
30. Motiei-Langroudi R, Thomas AJ, Ascanio L, Alturki A, Papavassiliou E, Kasper EM, Arle J, Alterman RL, Ogilvy CS, Stippler M. Factors Predicting the Need for Surgery of the Opposite Side After Unilateral Evacuation of Bilateral Chronic Subdural Hematomas. Neurosurgery. 2018 Sep 27. PMID: 30265326.
31. Motiei-Langroudi R, Stippler M, Shi S, Adeeb N, Gupta R, Griessenauer CJ, Papavassiliou E, Kasper EM, Arle J, Alterman RL, Ogilvy CS, Thomas AJ. Factors predicting reoperation of chronic subdural hematoma following primary surgical evacuation. J Neurosurg. 2018 Nov 01; 129(5):1143-1150. PMID: 29243977.
32. Motiei-Langroudi R, Alterman RL, Stippler M, Phan K, Alturki AY, Papavassiliou E, Kasper EM, Arle J, Ogilvy CS, Thomas AJ. Factors influencing the presence of hemiparesis in chronic subdural hematoma. J Neurosurg. 2019 Jan 11; 1-5. PMID: 30641839.
33. Maragkos GA, Atesok K, Papavassiliou E. Prognostic Factors for Adjacent Segment Disease after L4-L5 Single-Level Posterior Lumbar Fusion. Neurosurgery 2019June 27. PMID: 31245812
34. Kivanc Atesok, Shepard Hurwitz, Donald D. Anderson, Richard Satava, Geb W. Thomas, Ted Tufescu, Michael J. Heffernan, Efstathios Papavassiliou, Steven Theiss, and J. Lawrence Marsh Advancing Simulation-Based Orthopaedic Surgical Skills Training: An Analysis of the Challenges to Implementation, Review Article (7 pages), PM ID 2586034, Volume 2019 (2019)
35. Factors Predicting the Need for Surgery of the Opposite Side After Unilateral Evacuation of Bilateral Chronic Subdural Hematomas.
Motiei-Langroudi R, Thomas AJ, Ascanio L, Alturki A, Papavassiliou E, Kasper EM, Arle J, Alterman RL, Ogilvy CS, Stippler M.
Neurosurgery. 2019 Nov 1;85(5):648-655. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyy432.
36. Factors Predictive of Adjacent Segment Disease After Lumbar Spinal Fusion. Maragkos GA, Motiei-Langroudi R, Filippidis AS, Glazer PA, Papavassiliou E.
World Neurosurg. 2020 Jan;133:e690-e694. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.09.112. Epub 2019 Sep 27.
PMID: 31568911
37. Fate of Hardware in Spinal Infections. Atesok K, Vaccaro A, Stippler M, Striano BM, Carr M, Heffernan M, Theiss S, Papavassiliou E.
Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2020 Jun;21(5):404-410. doi: 10.1089/sur.2019.206. Epub 2019 Dec 18.
PMID: 31855116
38. Commentary: Thoracolumbar Vertebral Column Resection With Rectangular Endplate Cages Through a Posterior Approach: Surgical Techniques and Early Postoperative Outcomes.
Maragkos GA, Papavassiliou E.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2020 Mar 1;18(3):E68-E69. doi: 10.1093/ons/opz275.
PMID: 31529058
39. A Balancing Act.
Yang S, Bauer KA, Singleton JM, Papavassiliou E, Kramer DB.
Circulation. 2020 Mar 31;141(13):1103-1106. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.044780. Epub 2020 Mar 30.
PMID: 32223675
40. Intramedullary-Extramedullary Breast Metastasis to the Caudal Neuraxis Two Decades after Primary Diagnosis: Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Mackel CE, Alsideiri G, Papavassiliou E.
World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug;140:26-31. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.05.002. Epub 2020 May 11.
PMID: 32437992
41. Risk Factors for Wire Fracture or Tethering in Deep Brain Stimulation: A 15-Year Experience.
Mackel CE, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2020 Jul 25:opaa215. doi: 10.1093/ons/opaa215. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 32710790
42. Bisphosphonates and parathyroid hormone analogs for improving bone quality in spinal fusion: State of evidence.
Atesok K, Stippler M, Striano BM, Xiong G, Lindsey M, Cappellucci E, Psilos A, Richter S, Heffernan MJ, Theiss S, Papavassiliou E.
Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2020 Aug 18;12(2):8590. doi: 10.4081/or.2020.8590. eCollection 2020 Aug 6.
PMID: 32922704
43. Automated Lateral Ventricular and Cranial Vault Volume Measurements in 13,851 Patients Using Deep Learning Algorithms.
Maragkos GA, Filippidis AS, Chilamkurthy S, Salem MM, Tanamala S, Gomez-Paz S, Rao P, Moore JM, Papavassiliou E, Hackney D, Thomas AJ.
World Neurosurg. 2021 Jan 6:S1878-8750(20)32715-7. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.12.148. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33421645
44. Enriquez-Marulanda A, Gomez-Paz S, Salem MM, Mallick A, Motiei-Langroudi R, Arle JE, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Ogilvy CS, Moore JM, Thomas AJ. Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization Versus Conventional Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematomas. Neurosurgery. 2021 08 16; 89(3):486-495. PMID: 34171921.
45. Salih M, Shutran M, Young M, Vega RA, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Thomas A, Taussky P, Moore J, Ogilvy CS. Reduced recurrence of chronic subdural hematomas treated with open surgery followed by middle meningeal artery embolization compared to open surgery alone: a propensity score-matched analysis. J Neurosurg. 2022 Dec 23; 1-7. PMID: 36681950.
46. Salih M, Young M, Shutran M, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Thomas AJ, Taussky P, Moore J, Ogilvy CS. Effect of long-term anticoagulant therapy on the outcome of chronic subdural hematoma: a propensity score-matched analysis. J Neurosurg. 2022 Dec 23; 1-7. PMID: 36681947.
47. Salih M, Young M, Garcia A, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Thomas AJ, Taussky P, Moore J, Ogilvy CS. Outcome of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Intervention in Patients on Long-Term Antiplatelet Therapy-A Propensity Score Matched Analysis. Neurosurgery. 2023 Mar 15. PMID: 36921243.
48. Salih M, Young M, Garcia A, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Thomas AJ, Taussky P, Moore J, Ogilvy CS. Outcome of Chronic Subdural Hematoma Intervention in Patients on Long-Term Antiplatelet Therapy-A Propensity Score Matched Analysis. Neurosurgery. 2023 09 01; 93(3):586-591. PMID: 36921243.
49. Powers AY, Chang DC, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Moses ZB. Public health insurance, frailty, and lack of home support predict rehab discharge following elective anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Spine J. 2023 12; 23(12):1830-1837. PMID: 37660894.
50. Filo J, Salih M, Alwakaa O, Ramirez-Velandia F, Shutran M, Vega RA, Stippler M, Papavassiliou E, Alterman RL, Thomas A, Taussky P, Moore J, Ogilvy CS. Factors Associated with Extended Hospitalization in Patients Who Had Adjuvant Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization After Conventional Surgery for Chronic Subdural Hematomas. World Neurosurg. 2024 Sep; 189:e168-e176. PMID: 38906476.
Other peer reviewed publications
1.Shih LC, Papavassiliou E, and Tarsy D. Early brain abscess: A rare complication of deep brain stimulation (DBS). Movement Disorders. 2008;23(Suppl 1):S133.
2.Vanderhorst VG, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih L. Early brain abscess: A rare complication of deep brain stimulation. Mov Disord. 2009;24(9):1395-1397.
3. Shih LC, Tarsy D and Papavassiliou E. Unsuccessful revision of Vim DBS leads in essential tremor (ET) patients with late failures: three cases. Movement Disorders. 2009;24(Suppl 1):S492
Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media
1. Papavassiliou E, Varelas PN: Brain Tumors and ICU Seizures: Chapter In: Seizures in Critical Care, editor Panayiotis N. Varelas, MD, PhD, Humana Press 2005
2. Papavassiliou E. : Treatment of Brain Injuries: In : Textbook of Neurology, editor Prof . M. Dalakas, University of Athens, 2003
3. Papavassiliou E. : Brain Tumors: In : Textbook of Neurology, editor Prof . M. Dalakas, University of Athens, 2003
4.Papavassiliou E. Circadian secretory rhythms of somatomedins in young adults of normal and tall stature. Chapter in Circadian secretory rhythms of growth hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin and somatomedins in healthy young adults of normal and tall stature: Thesis for the Doctor of Sciences degree.by CA Stratakis, University of Athens, 1993
5.Papavassiliou E., Jichichi D. : Benign skull tumors.. In www.emedicine.com – Neurology.2008
6. Papavassiliou E., Jichichi D. : Benign skull tumors.. In www.emedicine.com – Neurology. 2008
7.Papavassiliou E, Varelas PN : Building a case for a neurocritical care unit. Chapter In. Neurocritical care,2nd edition. Editor: M Torbey, September 2019. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107064959
Professional educational materials or reports, in print or other media
Clinical Guidelines and Reports
Patient Safety Framework for Mitigating WRONG LEVEL SPINE SURGERY: Spine surgery task force, CRICO and HMS
As part of the trauma care committee in our hospital I led the effort and the publication of guidelines on methods to measure ICP, indications, as well management of ICP. That led to standardization and optimization of neurosurgical trauma care to the hospital.
Also participated actively over the last few years to the recertification of BIDMC as level I trauma center
Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Exhibits Presented at Professional Meetings
1. Papavassiliou E, Stratakis CA, Margioris AN, Chrousos GP: Levels of somatomedin C (IGF-I) in plasma: Comparison before and after the separation of plasma proteins with C-18 Sep-pak columns. 16th Congress of the Hellenic Endocrine Society, Athens, 1990.
2. Karalis K, Papavassiliou E, Margioris AN, Tolis G: A long-acting somatostatin analog reduces the acute inflammatory response in the rat. 72nd Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society,San Fransisco 1990.
3. Papavassiliou E, Heiss JD, Merrill MJ, Nieman L, Oldfield EH: Dexamethasone Suppression of Glioma Derived Endothelial Growth Factor / Vascular Permeability Factor Activity Occurs at the Capillary level and Requires the Glucocorticoid Receptor. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurologic Surgeons,San Diego 1994.
4. Papavassiliou E, Heiss JD, Merrill MJ, Nieman L, Knightly J, Walbridge S, Oldfield EH. Dexamethasone Suppression of Brain Tumor Permeability Requires the Glucocorticoid Receptor. 77th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, 1995.
5. Papavassiliou E, Merrill MJ, Heiss JD, Walbridge S, Oldfield EH. Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor / Vascular Permeabilty Factor (VEGF/VPF) Following Stab and Freeze brain Injury: AANS 1996.
6. Papavassiliou E, Barbaro N, Larson P, Abosch A, Marks W, Lambourn K, Clay H, Heath S, Starr P. Thalamic stimulation for essential tremor: Relation of lead location to outcome. ASSFN. May18-21 2003, New York
7. Larson P, Zada G, Mori M, Rau G, Papavassiliou E, Heath S, Christine C, Marks W, Starr p. Stimulation induced mood changes in Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation; Location of the cathodal contact. American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. May18-21 2003, New York
8.Sarkar, S. N.·Papavassiliou, Bhadelia, R, Alsop, D.Madhuranthakam, A.Busse, R.·Rofsky, N.Hackney, D. Low SAR Brain MR Imaging for Patients with Active Neuroimplants: ASNR 48h Annual Meeting, May 17 – 20, 2010, Boston, MA
9. Sarkar, S. N.Hackney, D.Teich, D.Papavassiliou, E, Busse, R.Bhadelia, R. Optimized Double Inversion Recovery MR Brain Imaging at Very Low SAR for Patients with Neurostimulators : ASNR 48h Annual Meeting, May 17 – 20, 2010, Boston, MA
10. Sarkar, S. N., Bhadelia, R., Hackney, D, Busse, R., Papavassiliou, E. Novel MRI sequences that satisfy low Specific Absorption Rate ( SAR) for Patients with Implanted Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS), ASSFN, New York 2010
11.Robert Gross, MD, PhD, Robert Worth, MD, Jules Nazzaro, MD, Michael Kaplitt, MD, PhD, John Neal, MD, Antonio DeSalles, MD, PhD, Andrew Shetter, MD, Roy Bakay, MD, Jamie Henderson, MD, Gordon Baltuch, MD, Andrew Youkilis, MD, Nicholas Barbaro, MD, Robert Goodman, MD, PhD, Guy McKhann II, MD, Steve Papavassiliou, MD, W. Jeff Elias, MD, Paul Francel, MD, John Grant, MD, Gary Heit, MD, PhD, Ashwini Sharan M.D, Steve Wilkinson M.D., Timothy Mapstone, MD and the SANTE Study Group. Stimulation of Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus for Epilepsy: Results and Class I Surgical Trial Issues, ASSFN, New York 201
12. Smith KM, Lim C, O’Connor M, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease (PD): Number of surgical passes does not affect motor and neuropsychiatric outcomes. Movement Disorders 2011; 26 (Suppl 2): S80.
13. Czarnecki K, Lim C, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Loss of benefit from VIM thalamic deep-brain stimulation (DBS) for essential tremor (ET): A single center review of long-term outcomes. Movement Disorders 2011; 26 (Suppl 2): S87.
14. Subhendra Sarkar, David Hackney, Stephen Flaherty, Jeremy Stormann, Rafeeque Bhadelia, Jean Pearson, Feng Dong, Jason Mangosing, Benjamin Jenkins and Efstathios Papavassiliou . Comprehensive Brain MRI of Patients with Deep Brain Stimulators at Very Low Radio Frequency Power., RSNA Nov 30, 2011, Chicago
15. Maragkos GA, Motiei-Langroudi R, Filippidis AS, Papavassiliou E. Intracranial Hypertension after Chiari Decompression Resolving with Removal of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Device. Digital Poster Presentation #41574 at: American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA; 2018.
16. Maragkos GA, Papavassiliou E, Stippler M, Filippidis AS. Civilian Gunshot Wounds to the Head. Prognostic Factors Affecting Mortality. Meta-Analysis of 1774 Patients. Poster Presentation at: 7th Annual Harvard Research Day; Boston, MA; 2018
17. Maragkos GA, Motiei-Langroudi R, Filippidis AS, Papavassiliou E. Adjacent Segment Disease after Elective Single-Level Lumbar Fusion for Degenerative Disease, Operative Factors: A Single-Institute Analysis of 369 Patients. Digital Poster Presentation #1499 at: Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting; Houston, TX; 2018.
18. Maragkos GA, Motiei-Langroudi R, Paul A. Glazer, Filippidis AS, Papavassiliou E. Operative Technique Factors That Predict Adjacent Segment Disease after Fusion for Lumbar Degenerative Disease: A Retrospective Analysis of 779 Patients. Digital Poster Presentation #1606 at: Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting; Houston, TX; 2018.
19. Maragkos GA, Papavassiliou E, Stippler M, Filippidis AS. A Meta-Analysis of Factors Predicting Mortality in Civilian Craniocerebral Gunshot Injuries. Poster Presentation #608 at: Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting; Houston, TX; 2018.
20. Maragkos GA, Atesok K, Papavassiliou E. Rostral-Caudal Discrepancy and Prognostic Factors for Adjacent Segment Disease after L4-L5 Single-Level Posterior Lumbar Fusion. Digital Poster Presentation at: American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA; 2019.