Incorporated on January 24, 1973
The New England Hellenic Medical Society

- To effect the association of physicians who are permanent residents or citizens of the United States and of Greek nationality or descent for purposes of promoting and fostering educational, scientific, civic and social activities of its members and friends
- To collect and document such data and facts as related to the past and present activities of physicians of Greek ancestry in the New England area
- To assist and guide physicians arriving from Greece for post graduate training in the United States
- To conduct meetings, forums and conferences and engage in such activities and disseminate such knowledge as shall be useful for its members in their professions and as shall make them more proficient in their work.
The NEHMDS was established in 1973 by a group of Greek physicians working in Boston, including doctors Konstantinos Hionidis, Nicholas Markopoulos, Harilaos Sakellaridis, Menelaos Aliapoulios, Demosthenes Kotronis and George Katsas. The goal of our society is to foster medical education, friendship, collaboration, communication, community awareness, and networking amongst professionals with common Hellenic ancestry and/or interests. In recent years we have arranged five annual events: Vasilopita, March/April Greek Independence Day parade walk, April/may Dinner-dance-awards ceremony, research symposium, and lecture.